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Each kit contains 60 items.  There are nine different kits. Expand each Kit list to see contents.  Made with distilled water and imprinted with applicable frequency.  Case made from durable leather and zipper to close.

Test Kits

  • 1. MBB; 2. Vitamin B Complex; 3. Eggs/Chicken;

    4. Candida/Yeast;5. Sugars; 6. Grains; 7. Dairy/Milk; 8. Gluten; 9. Peanuts;

    10. Tree Nuts; 11. Vitamin C 12. Vitamin A; 13. Vitamin D; 14. Vitamin E;

    15. Vitamin K; 16. Soy/Beans;  17. Wheat/Gliadin; 18. Calcium; 19. Iron;

    20. Iodine; 21. Minerals; 22. Vegetable Fats; 23. Shellfish; 24. Spices;

    25. Tree Pollen; 26. Spring Pollen; 27. Grasses; 28. Weeds/Hayfever;

    29. Basic Molds; 30. Nightshade Veg; 31. Dog/Cat Hair; 32. Dust; 33. Perfumes;

    34. Formaldehyde; 35. Herbicides/Pesti; 36. Cold/Flu Viruses; 37. Amino Acids;

    38. Animal Fats; 39. Phenols; 40. Lectins; 41. Corn; 42. Salt; 43. Gelatin;

    44. Sulphur; 45. Herpes Viruses; 46. Mosquito Virus; 47. Bacteria staph/strep;

    48. Salmonella; 49. Lyme; 50. Insect Bite; 51. Preservatives; 52. MSG;

    53. Food Colors; 54. Digest Enzymes; 55. Digestive Acids; 56. DNA; 57. RNA;

    58. Hypothalamus; 59. Organs; 60. Hormones.

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